Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court Librarian Syllabus and exam pattern pdf download. The syllabus for the Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court Librarian posts covers a comprehensive range of topics essential for the role of a librarian. The syllabus is structured into various units, each focusing on library science, management, and information technology aspects.
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court Librarian Exam Pattern
Written Examination | 100 Marks |
Time Duration | 2 Hours |
Exam Types | MCQs Based |
Total Units | 6 Units |
Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh High Court Librarian Syllabus
Unit-I 20 Marks
- Types of Libraries and their Features
- Role of Libraries in Contemporary Society
- Five Laws of Library Sciences
- Library Legislations in India
- Digital Library
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
- National and International Library Associations: ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, IFLA, FID, ALA, ASLIB, etc.
- National and International Agencies: UNESCO, OCLC, PRRLF, UGC, INFLIBNET, DELNET, etc.
Unit-II 20 Marks
- Basic Terminology: Call Number, Class Number, Book Number, Isolates
- Classification: Concept & Purpose
- Types and Characteristics of Classification Schemes
- ISBD, ISBN, ISSN: Classification Schemes
- Features of DDC, UDC, and CC
- Five Fundamental Categories
- Notation: Definition and Purpose
- Library Catalogue: Definition and Purpose
- Canons of Classification and Cataloguing
Unit-III 15 Marks
- Principles of Book Selection
- Selection Tools: Print and Non-Print Materials
- Processing of Documents: Accessioning, Classification, Cataloguing, Labeling, and Shelving
- Difference between Catalogue, Accession Register, Bibliography, and Shelf List
- Serials/Journals: Selection and Procurement
- Book Transaction System: Traditional and Modern
- Stock Verification of Books: Methods and Tools
- Weeding Process
Unit-IV 15 Marks
- Information Sources: Definition, Types, and Importance
- Information Sources: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
- Information Services: Definition and Need of Reference, Documentation, and Information Services
- Types of Dictionaries, Encyclopaedias
- Geographical and Biographical Sources
- Indexing and Abstracting Sources
- Types of Bibliographies
- Bibliographic Sources
Unit-V 15 Marks
- Types of Reference Services: Ready Reference Service, Long Range Reference Service
- Reference Librarian: Role, Skills, and Competences
- User Education/Information Literacy Skills
- International Information Systems: INIS, AGRIS, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, INSPEC
- Information Seeking Pattern
Unit-VI 15 Marks
- Study of Computers, including the Concept of Hardware
- Library Automation: Need and Purpose
- Need for Computer Applications; Areas of Computer Applications, Automation in Library Management, Software Packages for Library Management – Essential Features
- Computer and its Units; Computer and its Classification
- Study of Various Operating Systems
- General-purpose Application Software: Word Processing such as MS Office, Lotus
- Special-purpose Application Software: CDS/ISIS
- Library Networking: Needs & Purpose
- OPAC and Web-OPAC
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