The GGSIU Delhi University Librarian Question Paper Answer Key PDF provides solutions to the Delhi University librarian examination. It helps candidates verify their answers and assess performance. This key includes accurate answers for all sections, ensuring clarity and transparency. Downloading it allows candidates to identify areas of improvement for future preparation.
GGSIU Delhi University Librarian Question Paper Answer Key PDF
Q1. What is the full form of ISDN?
A. International Standard Digital Network
B. International Standard Distributed Network
C. Integrated Services Distributed Network
D. Integrated Services Digital Network
Answer: D
Q2. SDI stands for:
A. Selective Dimension of Information
B. Selective Dissemination of Information
C. Selective Diverse of Information
D. Selective Dissimilar of Information
Answer: B
Q3. The RFID tag used on products or library materials typically measures:
A. 25 mm X 50 mm
B. 50 mm X 50 mm
C. 75 mm X 50 mm
D. 80 mm X 50 mm
Answer: B
Q4. Punctuation mark used for GMD (General Material Description) in AACR-2R:
A. Full stop, dash, space
B. Square bracket
C. Equal sign
D. Colon
Answer: B
Q5. In MARC 21, Titles, edition, imprint information, etc. fields are:
A. 1XX B. 2XX C. 3XX D. 7XX
Answer: B
Q6. KWOC stands for:
A. Knowledge Word Out of Context
B. Key Word Out of Content
C. Key Word Out of Context
D. Knowledge Word Out of Context
Answer: C
Q7. Internet telephony is also known as:
A. Voice over Internet Protocol
B. Bluetooth
C. RJE Terminal
D. Transmission Protocol
Answer: A
Q8. Classified Catalogue Code was designed by Ranganathan in the year___________:
Α. 1931 Β. 1932 C. 1933 D. 1934
Answer: D
Q9. ‘Indian Science Abstracts’ is an example of sources of Information:
A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
D. non-documentary
Answer: B
Q10. A written statement that defines the duties, relationships and results expected of anyone in the
job is called:
A. Job Specification
B. Job Enlargement
C. Job Enrichment
D. Job Description
Answer: D
Q11. The library needs a book already out on loan that still needs to be due for return, and the circulation section may ask the borrower to return the book to the library. Such practice is called:
A. Reminder B. Renewal C. Re-issue D. Recall
Answer: D
Q12. In DDC (19th Edition), Table 2 deals with:
A. Languages
B. Areas
C. Persons
D. Racial, Ethnic, National Groups
Answer: B
Q13. A ______ is a locally stored Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
A. Thread B. Thunderbird C. Bookmark D. Webcasting
Answer: C
Q14. TIFF stands for:
A. Tagged Image File Format
B. Transfer Information File Format
B. Tagged Information File
D. Transmission Image File Format
Answer: A
Q15. Dewey Decimal Classification was first published in:
Α. 1874 Β. 1875 C. 1876 D. 1877
Answer: C
Q16. In which budgetary method is “the entire budget justified from scratch”?
A. Performance Budgeting
B. Programme Budgeting
C. Zero-Based Budgeting
D. Planning Programming Budgeting System
Answer: C
Q17. Which of the following is incorrect about Current Awareness Service (CAS) types?
A. Title announcement service
B. Announcement of research in progress
C. Advance information about forthcoming conferences
D. Document Delivery Service
Answer: D
Q18. ________ means searching the literature related to a particular topic.
A. Literature search
B. Proximity search
C. Open search
D. Field search
Answer: A
Q19. How many Auxiliary Tables are there in the 19th edition of DDC?
A. four B. five C. six D. seven
Answer: D
Q20. Identify the “Third Law of Library Science”:
A. Books are for use
B. Every book its reader
C. Every reader his book
D. Library is a growing organism
Answer: B
Q21. IndCat’ is an online union catalogue of libraries of:
A. Indian Universities. B. IITS
C. IIMS D. Indian universities and colleges
Answer: A
Q22. Which law of Library Science put forward the provision of “Stack-Room Guides”?
A. First Law B. Second Law
C. Third Law D. Fourth Law
Answer: D
Q23. In which year, the “West Bengal Public Libraries Act” was enacted?
Α. 1978 Β. 1979 C. 1980 D. 1981
Answer: B
Q24. Which of the following sources is a list of persons or organisations systematically arranged?
A. Yearbook
B. Directory
C. Almanac
D. Encyclopaedia
Answer: B
Q25. Indicate the ‘Facet Formula’:
Answer: B
Q26. “Grouping of documents having the same or similar subject content” is called:
A. Library Cataloguing
B. Library Schedules
C. Library Notation
D. Library Classification
Answer: D
Q27. Which service of the following demands creating a ‘user’ profile?
A. SDI B. CAS C. Reference D. Referral
Answer: A
Q28. The planning and controlling of financial resources is known as:
A. Estimation B. Statement C. Budget D. Allocation
Answer: C
Q29. ‘Khuda Baksh Oriental Library’ is located at:
A. Ahmedabad B. Lucknow
C. Hyderabad D. Patna
Answer: D
Q30. ISBN now consists of:
A. 10 digits B. 12 digits C. 13 digits D. 14 digits
Answer: C
Q31. Touch Screen” is a:
A. Input device
B. Output device
C. Storage device
D. Magnetic storage device
Answer: A
Q32. What is the purpose of “Notational Plane”?
A. To give serial number
B. To give some symbol for identity
C. To give class number
D. To give book number
Answer: C
Q33. RRRLF provides financial assistance to:
A. College Libraries
B. University Libraries
C. Special Libraries
D. Public Libraries
Answer: D
Q34. ‘India: A Reference Annual’ is published by:
A. Ministry of Culture, Government of India
B. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
Government of India
C. Ministry of Education, Government of India
D. National Book Trust
Answer: B
Q35. ISO-2709 is related with:
A. Standard for exchange format for bibliographic
B. Standard for Computer Hardware
C. Standard for Information Processing
D. Standard for Networking
Answer: A
Q36. Which of the Library Science laws has implications on the arrangement of the documents in the APUPA pattern?
A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth
Answer: B
Q37. The provision of maps and additional Information as a special feature in:
A. Geographical Sources
B. Biographical Sources
C. Statistical Sources
D. Bibliographical Sources
Answer: A
Q38. The concept of “Truncation” is applied in:
A. Citation analysis
B. Automatic indexing and abstracting
C. Search formulation
D. Machine translation
Answer: C
Q39. “Patents” fall under the category of:
A. Primary sources
B. Secondary sources
C. Tertiary sources
D. Primary & Secondary sources
Answer: A
Q40. In SOUL 2.0, the organization of the MARC record is based on the record structure of the ISO standard:
A. ISO-2709 B. ISO-2709 C. ISO-2710 D. ISO-2711
Answer: B
Q41. Z39.71 standard for:
A. Information interchange format
B. Holdings statements
C. Bibliographic data interoperability
D. Distributed cataloguing
Answer: B
Q42. The Traditional Knowledge Digital Library is a well-known Indian digital library initiative being implemented by:
A. Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA)
B. IIT Delhi
C. Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
D. National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (NISCPR)
Answer: D (As per answer key)
Q43. ‘Structured data about data’ is called:
A. Databank B. Database C. Micro Data D. Metadata
Answer: D
Q44. Which of the following is an Institutional Repository Software Package?
A. Joomla В. КОНА C. EPrints D. Drupal
Answer: C
Q45. Million Book Project was initiated by:
A. Carnegie Mellon University
B. Pittsburg University
C. Michigan University
Answer: A
Q46. WorldCat is maintained by?
A. British Museum B. ASLIB
C. OCLC D. Library of Congress
Answer: C
Q47. Where is the headquarter of Patent Information System in India?
A. Delhi B. Kolkata C. Mumbai D. Nagpur
Answer: D
Q48. Web of Science is a product of:
C. Library of Congress D. Clarivate Analytics
Answer: D
Q49. The concept of ‘Co’ in the acronym POSDCORB means:
A. Communication B. Collection
C. Cooperation D. Comprehension
Answer: C (As per answer key)
Q50. Who formulated staff formula for college and university libraries in India?
A. Melvil Dewey B. S R Ranganathan C. ALA D. ILA
Answer: B
Q51. Drury principles are related to the:
A. Library management
B. Library classification
C. Library cataloguing
D. Book selection
Answer: D
Q52. What is the main source of income for the public libraries in those states where legislation have been enacted?
A. Tax revenues
B. Grants under centrally sponsored schemes
C. Library Cess
D. Private Philanthropic Contributions
Answer: C
Q53. What is called the concept which make quality responsibility of all the persons within an organization?
A. Management of Quality
B. Quality Management
C. Total Management
D. Total Quality Management
Answer: D
Q54. Tooling of book is a function of:
A. Acquisition section
B. Technical section
C. Circulation section
D. Maintenance section
Answer: D
Q55. APUPA pattern is related with which process?
A. Classification B. Cataloguing
C. Acquisition D. Documentation
Answer: A
Q56. Educational Psychology is an example of :
A. Fusion
B. Fission
C. Clustering
D. Distillation
Answer: A
Q57. The Classification Research Group (CRG) has its headquarter?
A. Paris B. Bangalore C. The Hague D. London
Answer: D
Q58. “Dynamic Theory” of classification was suggested by?
A. Dewey B. Ranganathan C. Sayers D. Brown
Answer: B
Q59. Which is the oldest classification scheme in the following?
Answer: B
Q60. Which series of the following class numbers belong to first, second and third summaries of DDC consecutively?
Α. 800, 320, 624 B. 560, 400, 120
C. 300, 624, 310 D. 110, 345, 000
Answer: A
Q61. Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) was developed by?
A. Melvil Dewey
B. WCB Sayers
C. S R Ranganathan
D. Paul Otlet and Henri La Fontaine
Answer: D
Q62. The index of DDC is known as:
A. Relative index B. Book index
C. Comparative index D. Sequential index
Answer: A
Q63. The main source of information for cataloguing a conventional document is its –
A. Title Page B. Index Page
C. Content Page D. Whole Book
Answer: A
Q64. World’s biggest union catalogue project is initiated and maintained by OCLC is called?
A. Unioncat. B. Worldcat. C. Grandcat. D. COMCAT
Answer: B
Q65. According to AACR-II, author of map or an atlas is:
A. Publisher B. Translator
C. Cartographer. D. Illustrator
Answer: C
Q66. Which of the following types of memory is volatile?
C. Hard disk D. Cache Memory
Answer: B
Q67. The Visual Display Units (VDU) are used for _________.
A. Input device B. Output device
C. Optical device D. Storage device
Answer: B
Q68. Which of the following organization was the first time usage computers in the field of library?
Answer: D
Q69. The software CDC/ISIS is related with _________.
Answer: A
Q70. The physical arrangement of computers in a network is called?
A. Networking B. Switching
C. Bandwidth D. Topology
Answer: D
Q71. INFLIBNET is proposed to link up mainly___________.
A. Academic Library B. Public Library
C. National Library D. Special Library
Answer: A
Q72. Google search engine was launched in the year_______.
Α. 1995 Β. 1996 C. 1997 D. 1998
Answer: D
Q73. Find the ODD one:
A. Google Chrome B. Internet Explore
C. Safari D. Ubuntu
Answer: D
Q74. Zotero is:
A. Library Management Tool
B. Statistical Analysis Tool
C. Serial Management Tool
D. Reference Management Tool
Answer: D
Q75. NDL-India is developed and maintained by?
A. IIT, Roorkee B. IIT, Kharagpur
C. IIT, Chennai D. IIT, Delhi
Answer: B
Q76. In which year the Delivery of Books Act was passed?
Α. 1954 Β. 1964. C. 1971. D. 1981
Answer: A
Q77. Dublin Core is related to:
A. Metadata
Answer: A
Q78. The term ‘information transfer was propounded by?
A. J. Martin
B. Beesman
C. Calvin Moores
D. D.S. Harder
Answer: B
Q79. Who is responsible for the development of Uniterm Indexing?
A. Martimer Tube
B. Ganesh Bhattacharya
C. HP Luhn
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q80. Library and Information Science Abstract was originally published by?
Answer: B
Q81. The concept of five fundamental category has been used in:
A. CC. B. UDC. C. DDC. D. LC
Answer: A
Q82. The present name of ASLIB is:
A. Association of Library and Information Bureaux
B. Association of Special Library and Information Bureaux
C. Association of Information Management
D. Association of Library Science
Answer: C
Q83. Ranganathan Committee Report on development to university and college libraries was published in 1959 by?
Answer: C
Q84. Who was the propounder FORM of ‘Decachotomy ‘?
A. Melvil Dewey B. F.C. Lancaster
C. C.A. Cutter D. S.R. Ranganathan
Answer: A
Q85. ArXiv is a :
A. File Extension
B. Video Hosting Service
C. Repository of Electronic Preprints of Scientific Papers
D. National Archives of Austria
Answer: C
Q86. The term hypertext was coined by whom?
A. Ted Nelson B. John Brown
C. J.W. Wilson D. None of the above
Answer: A
Q87. Who gave the term ‘Modes of Formation of the Subjects’?
A. J.D. Brown B. S.R. Ranganathan
C. Melvil Dewey D. E.C. Richardson
Answer: B
Q88. ‘Law of Parsimony’ refers to:
A. Overall performance
B. Overall economy
C. Overall evaluation
D. Overall management
Answer: B
Q89. ‘Cataloguing in Publication’ programme was introduced by?
A. IFLA B. Library of Congress C. LA D. RRRLF
Answer: B
Q90. The Vidwan Database is maintained by?
Answer: A
Q91. The IFLA Annual General Conference, 2019 was LEARNING held in:
A. Athens B. Paris C. New York D. Kaula Lumpur
Answer: A
Q92. As per Indian Copyright Law, a book becomes copyright free?
A. Fifty years after the book is published
B. Fifty years after the death of the author
C. Sixty years after the book is published
D. Sixty years after the death of the author
Answer: D
Q93. Which Plagiarism Detection Software is currently provided by the INFLIBNET?
A. Turnitin B. DrillBit C. Ouriginal. D. Urkund
Answer: B
Q94. RDA stands for:
A. Resource Description Agency
B. Reference Description and Access
C. Reference Description Agency
D. Resource Description and Access
Answer: D
Q95. The concept of ‘Pre-Natal cataloguing’ was introduced by?
A. S.R. Ranganathan
B. Seymour Lubetzky
C. Margaret Mann
D. C.A. Cutter
Answer: A
Q96. The term ‘Library 2.0’ was coined by?
A. Michael Casey B. Tim Berners
C. Mark Zuckerberg D. None of these
Answer: A
Q97. What is the standard for bibliographic data interoperability?
A. Z39, 83-1 B. ISO-2709
C ISO/Cd 28560-3. D. ISO-2700
Answer: B
Q98. National Virtual Library of India is funded by?
A. Ministry of Culture
B. Ministry of Education
C. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
D. Azim Premji Foundation
Answer: A
Q99. Application of EzProxy in Library is associated with:
A. Remote Access to E-Resources
B. Remote Cataloguing
C. Library software Provider
D. Library Serials Provider
Answer: A
Q100. In the context of electronic resources, COUNTER is associated with?
A. Trial access activation
B. Preservation
C. Usage statistics
D. Subscription Model of e-resources
Answer: C
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