5. Knowledge Org & Retrieval
Universe of Knowledge, Classification, Cataloguing and Bibliographic Standards, Metadata Standards, Indexing and Abstracting, Information Retrieval Systems
Knowledge Organization in Digital Libraries MCQs with Answer
Knowledge Organization in Digital Libraries MCQs with Answer & Explanation | Library & Information Science Knowledge organization in digital libraries refers to the methods and systems used to ...
Library of Congress Classification (LCC): Main Classes, Notation, Enumerative
Overview of Library of Congress Classification (LCC) The Library of Congress Classification (LCC) is a system used by most research and academic libraries in the United States of ...
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC): 10 Main Classes, Special Auxiliaries
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) is a structured bibliographic and library classification system that organizes all branches of human knowledge. UDC is an analytico-synthetic and/or faceted classification. NIScPR Online ...
DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification): 10 Main Classes, & Tables
Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) has 10 Main Classes, 100 Divisions, and 1000 Sections, Developed in 1976 by Melvil Dewey, and Maintained by OCLC. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC): Overview ...