The salary of Library Science professionals in India varies based on factors such as job position, experience, employer (government or private sector), and location. Below is an approximate salary range for different levels of posts in Library and Information Science (LIS):
Librarians in KVS (Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan), NVS (Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti), EMRS (Eklavya Model Residential Schools), and DSSSB (Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board):
I am a dedicated teacher of library and information science at the Library Academy App. My qualifications include UGC NET/JRF, MLISc, PGDLAN, BLIS, and a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech).
Open Access Repositories (OARs) are digital platforms that provide free and unrestricted access to scholarly research outputs, including journal articles, theses, conference papers, datasets, and books. These repositories ...
CALIBER 2025 is the 14th International Convention organized by the INFLIBNET Centre, focusing on the theme “Library 2047: Democratizing Knowledge towards Viksit Bharat.” The event is scheduled to ...
World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated annually on April 23rd to promote reading, publishing, and the protection of intellectual property through copyright. In 2025, it will be ...
Annamalai University offers a PG Diploma in Material Management in Distance Education Mode. Annamalai University is renowned for its diverse range of programs offered through distance education, catering ...