DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification): 10 Main Classes, & Tables

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Dewey Decimal Classification (ddc)
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Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) has 10 Main Classes, 100 Divisions, and 1000 Sections, Developed in 1976 by Melvil Dewey, and Maintained by OCLC.

Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC): Overview

The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is a method of organizing library materials by subject. It was created by Melvil Dewey in 1876 and is widely used in libraries around the globe. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is a widely used library classification system

DDC was developed in 1876 as a title of “A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging Books and Pamphlets of a Library” 

The latest edition of DDC is the 23rd Edition published in 2011. Now DDC is maintained by OCLC.

The DDC Divides the Universe of knowledge into ten main classes, each of which is further divided into 100 divisions and 1000 sections. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the DDC system works:

1. Structure of the DDC: The DDC is hierarchical and numerical, which means it uses numbers to represent subjects and organizes them in a hierarchical structure. This system is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of different libraries.

10 Main Classes of DDC Main Classes

  • 000 – General works, Computer science and Information Science.
  • 100 – Philosophy and Psychology
  • 200 – Religion
  • 300 – Social Sciences
  • 400 – Language
  • 500 – Natural Science & Mathematics
  • 600 – Technology
  • 700 – Arts and Recreation
  • 800 – Literature
  • 900 – History and Geography

Each main class is further subdivided into smaller divisions, each with its unique number. For example, the social sciences class (3) is subdivided into economics (33), sociology (301), and political science (320).

500 – Natural Science

510 – Mathematics

520 – Astronomy

530 – Physics

540 – Chemistry

550 – Earth Sciences and Geology

560 – Fossils and Prehistoric life

570 – Life sciences; Biology

580 – Plants (Botany)

590 – Animals (Zoology)

531 – Classical mechanics; Solid mechanics

532 – Fluid mechanics; Liquid Mechanics

533 – Gas mechanics

534 – Sound and related vibrations

535 – Light and related radiation

536 – Heat

537 – Electricity and electronics

538 – Magnetism

539 – Modern physics

2. Notation used in DDC: DCC used Pure Notation means use only Arabic numerals. Each number represents a specific subject. Used Dot (.) after each of three numerical numbers in DDC Classification System.

For Example: 500 represents general science. and 510 represents mathematics, 511 represents general principles of mathematics, 511.3 represents arithmetic.

3. Relative Index: The DDC includes a relative index, which is an alphabetical listing of subjects with their corresponding classification numbers. This index helps users find the right number for a specific subject. For example, if you look up “Dinosaurs” in the relative index, it will direct you to 567.9.

DDC Table: Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, tables are used to add further specificity to classification numbers, allowing for more precise and detailed categorization of library materials. These tables provide standard subdivisions that can be appended to the main classification numbers. There are seven auxiliary tables in the DDC.

DDC Tables: Overview of 6 DDC Table

Table 1: Standard Subdivisions

Table 2: Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Biography

Table 3: Subdivisions for the Arts, for Individual Literatures, for Specific Literary Forms

Table 4: Subdivisions of Individual Languages

Table 5: Ethnic and National Groups

Table 6: Languages

By using these tables, librarians can create precise call numbers that help users locate materials efficiently.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) With Answers on DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification)

Here are 20 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, along with the correct answers:

1. Who created the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system?

  • A) Thomas Dewey
  • B) Melvil Dewey
  • C) John Dewey
  • D) Andrew Dewey
  • Answer: B) Melvil Dewey

2. In what year was the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system developed?

  • A) 1876
  • B) 1896
  • C) 1911
  • D) 1923
  • Answer: A) 1876

3. The DDC system was originally titled:

  • A) “Library Classification System”
  • B) “A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging Books and Pamphlets of a Library”
  • C) “Universal Classification System”
  • D) “Subject Index and Library Cataloguing System”
  • Answer: B) “A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging Books and Pamphlets of a Library”

4. How many main classes does the DDC divide the universe of knowledge into?

  • A) 5
  • B) 8
  • C) 10
  • D) 12
  • Answer: C) 10

5. The latest edition of DDC, published in 2011, is which edition?

  • A) 21st Edition
  • B) 22nd Edition
  • C) 23rd Edition
  • D) 24th Edition
  • Answer: C) 23rd Edition

6. Which organization currently maintains the DDC system?

  • A) Library of Congress
  • B) OCLC
  • C) American Library Association
  • Answer: B) OCLC

7. Which DDC main class is represented by the number 500?

  • A) Technology
  • B) Social Sciences
  • C) Natural Science & Mathematics
  • D) Arts and Recreation
  • Answer: C) Natural Science & Mathematics

8. What is the correct DDC classification for Literature?

  • A) 600
  • B) 700
  • C) 800
  • D) 900
  • Answer: C) 800

9. In the DDC system, which number represents “Religion”?

  • A) 100
  • B) 200
  • C) 300
  • D) 400
  • Answer: B) 200

10. Under the DDC system, what does the number 520 represent?

  • A) Physics
  • B) Mathematics
  • C) Chemistry
  • D) Astronomy
  • Answer: D) Astronomy

11. Which DDC main class includes “History and Geography”?

  • A) 600
  • B) 700
  • C) 800
  • D) 900
  • Answer: D) 900

12. The number 570 in the DDC system corresponds to which subject?

  • A) Earth Sciences and Geology
  • B) Life Sciences; Biology
  • C) Plants (Botany)
  • D) Animals (Zoology)
  • Answer: B) Life Sciences; Biology

13. What is the main feature of the notation used in DDC?

  • A) Use of Roman numerals
  • B) Use of letters and numbers
  • C) Pure notation using only Arabic numerals
  • D) Combination of symbols and numbers
  • Answer: C) Pure notation using only Arabic numerals

14. In DDC, the number 539 represents which subject?

  • A) Heat
  • B) Magnetism
  • C) Modern Physics
  • D) Sound and related vibrations
  • Answer: C) Modern Physics

15. What is the purpose of the Relative Index in the DDC system?

  • A) To list authors alphabetically
  • B) To provide an alphabetical listing of subjects with corresponding classification numbers
  • C) To organize books by size
  • D) To provide a chronological order of publications
  • Answer: B) To provide an alphabetical listing of subjects with corresponding classification numbers

16. Which DDC table is used for “Geographic Areas, Historical Periods, Biography”?

  • A) Table 1
  • B) Table 2
  • C) Table 3
  • D) Table 4
  • Answer: B) Table 2

17. In the DDC system, what does the number 531 represent?

  • A) Fluid Mechanics
  • B) Gas Mechanics
  • C) Classical Mechanics; Solid Mechanics
  • D) Sound and related vibrations
  • Answer: C) Classical Mechanics; Solid Mechanics

18. How many divisions are in each main class of the DDC system?

  • A) 10
  • B) 50
  • C) 100
  • D) 1000
  • Answer: A) 10

19. What does Table 6 in the DDC system represent?

  • A) Ethnic and National Groups
  • B) Languages
  • C) Subdivisions for the Arts
  • D) Standard Subdivisions
  • Answer: B) Languages

20. Which subject does the DDC classification number 567.9 correspond to?

  • A) Dinosaurs
  • B) Physics
  • C) Chemistry
  • D) Plants
  • Answer: A) Dinosaurs

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I am a dedicated teacher of library and information science at the Library Academy App. My qualifications include UGC NET/JRF, MLISc, PGDLAN, BLIS, and a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech).

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