Assistant Librarian Vacancy at Agriculture University, Jodhpur. Eligibility, Salary, Qualification, Application, Important Dates.
Agriculture University, Jodhpur has released the notification for the job advertisement for the position of Assistant Librarian Here are the key details:
- Position: Assistant Librarian (Academic Level-10)
- No. of Post: 05
- Pay Scale: As per the 7th Pay Commission.
- Application Deadline: Applications must be received by 09.09.2024, up to 5:00 PM.
- Application Process: Applicants must submit a filled application form along with the application fee in the form of a Demand Draft payable to the Comptroller, AU, Jodhpur. The application should be sent to the Registrar, Agriculture University, Mandor, Jodhpur-342304, Rajasthan.
Application Fees:
- Unreserved and Backward Class/Most Backward Class of Creamy Layer: Rs. 1200/-
- Backward Class/More Backward Class of Non-Creamy Layer & Economically Weaker Sections (Rajasthan Bonafide): Rs. 1000/-
- Disabled category, Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (Rajasthan Bonafide), Annual Family Income < 2.5 Lakhs: Rs. 600/-
- Candidates who previously applied under the Advertisement No. AAJD022/02 dated 13.01.2022 or Advertisement No. AAJD023/04 dated 27.06.2023, for which the interview was not held, do not need to reapply but can submit documents to attach to their previous application. No additional fee is required in this case.
- New applicants must pay the application fee as mentioned.
The other terms and conditions remain unchanged from the earlier advertisement (No.: AUJ/2023/04, Dated: 27.06.2023).
Click here for Apply Online: Click here