Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF)

Library Academy

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Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (rrrlf)
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The Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) is an organization in India dedicated to the development and promotion of public libraries in the country. It was established by the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, on 22 May 1972, in honor of Raja Rammohan Roy, a prominent social reformer and intellectual of the 19th century. 

It is registered under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, of 1961. RRRLF is the nodal agency of the Government of India for supporting public library services and promoting the public library movement.

RRRLF was declared as the nodal agency for the “National Mission on Libraries”.

History of RRRLF (Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation)

Establishment Year: RRRLF was established in May 1972.

Address: Block- DD-34, Salt Lake City, Sector-1, Kolkata-700064

Significance of 1972:

  • Celebrated as the silver jubilee of India’s independence.
  • Bicentenary of Raja Rammohun Roy’s birth, a pioneer social reformer.
  • Celebrated as the International Book Year with the slogan “BOOKS FOR ALL.”

Objective: To promote reading habits among the masses for the betterment of their lives.

Founding Organization: Established by the Department of Culture, Government of India.

Mission: To spread library services across the country in cooperation with State Governments, Union Territory Administrations, and organizations working in the field.

Objective of RRRLF

The Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) serves as a key organization promoting the development of public libraries in India. It functions as a promotional agency, an advisory and consultancy body, and a funding organization. Some of its main objectives include:

  • Promoting Library Movement: Encouraging the growth and spread of libraries throughout the country.
  • National Library Policy: Formulating and supporting the establishment of a national library policy and system.
  • Financial and Technical Assistance: Providing financial and technical support to libraries.
  • Supporting Organizations: Offering financial aid to regional or national organizations involved in library development.
  • Publishing and Information Sharing: Publishing relevant literature and acting as a hub for ideas and information on library development both in India and internationally.
  • Research Promotion: Promoting research into issues related to library development.
  • Government Advisory Role: Advising the government on all matters related to library development in the country.
  1. Objective: The primary objective of the RRRLF is to support and promote the library movement in India. It aims to provide financial assistance to libraries, support infrastructure development, and promote reading habits among the public.
  2. Activities:

Financial Assistance: RRRLF provides grants to public libraries for various purposes, including the purchase of books, furniture, and equipment, as well as for building construction and renovation.

Training and Development: The foundation organizes training programs for library staff to enhance their skills and improve library services.

Promotion of Reading: RRRLF undertakes initiatives to promote reading habits, such as organizing book fairs, exhibitions, and literacy programs.

  1. Schemes and Programs: The foundation runs several schemes and programs to support libraries across India. These include:
    • Matching and Non-Matching Grant Schemes
    • Assistance for the development of district libraries
    • Assistance to public libraries for acquiring reading materials
    • Assistance to voluntary organizations providing public library services
  2. Library Development Plans: RRRLF collaborates with state governments, local bodies, and non-governmental organizations to formulate and implement library development plans.
  3. Resource Centers: The foundation acts as a resource center for the dissemination of information related to library and information science. It also conducts research and publishes reports and studies on various aspects of library development.
  4. Policy-Making Body: The supreme policy-making body of RRRLF is called the Foundation, consisting of 22 members nominated by the Government of India, including eminent educationists, librarians, administrators, and senior officials.
  5. District Youth Resource Centre (DYRC): Since 2005-06, RRRLF has initiated the development of DYRCs in collaboration with Nehru Yuvak Kendra Sangathana, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Sports & Youth Affairs.

Source: RRRLF 

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I am a dedicated teacher of library and information science at the Library Academy App. My qualifications include UGC NET/JRF, MLISc, PGDLAN, BLIS, and a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech).

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