ISRO Library Assistant 2024 Question Paper with Answer. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) released the question paper and answer of the Library Assistant 2024.
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1. Thesaurus is a?
A. A collection of selected terminology
B. Synonymous terms
C. List of words
D. All of the above
Answer: D
2. Which of the following do not join the group?
A. XXX.docx
B. Xxx.xlSx
C. xxx. pdf
D. Xxx. ppt
Answer: C
3. Which network in India provided the first e-mail service in the country?
Answer: B
4. How many subject categories are covered by Web of Science?
A. 230
B. 250
C. 260
D. 190
Answer: B
5. Which one of these organizations created ‘Core Competencies for Scholarly Communication Librarians’?
Answer: C
6. The office of patent information system in India is at?
A. Mumbai
B. New Delhi
C. Calcutta
D. Nagpur
Answer: D
7. Dryad isan
A. Open Data publishing platform
B. Propriety Data Publishing platform
C. Archive Platform
D. Digital Library Platform
Answer: A
8. What is the suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi?
A. Atlas
B. Gazetteer
C. Guide Book
D. Globe
Answer: C
9. Digit of International Standard Book Number (ISBN) divided into:
A. 2 parts
B. 3 parts
C. 4 parts
D. 5 parts
Answer: D
10. An appropriate source to find out descriptive information is
A. Bibliography
B. Directory
C. Encyclopedia
D. Dictionary
Answer: C
11.Who created and has been managing the “Library Map of the World”?
Answer: D
12. Which Library Association wants to show the power of libraries in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ?
A. American Library Association (ALA)
B. Canadian Library (CLA)
C. International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA)
D. Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP)
Answer: C
13. “Fair use” is a term most relevant to:
A. Intellectual property right
B. Books borrowed for home reading
C. Copyright
D. Use of reference books
Answer: C
14. Identify the odd one:
B. List of books of library science
C. Abstracting periodical
D. Directory of sources of library science
Answer: D
15. The job of computerizing the already existing reading materials in a library is known as?
A. Data entry
B. Retrospective conversion
C. Computerisation of holdings
D. Automation
Answer: B
16. The pre-print archive TechRxiv” is created & supported by?
Answer: B
17. Match the following reference management tool (s) (i, ii, iii, iv) with the relevant developer(s), respectively.
List -1 (Tools) List — II (Developers)
i. Zotero A. Ex Libris, a ProQuest company
li. Mendeley B. Clarivate Analytics
iii. EndNote C. Elsevier
iv. RefWorks D. George Mason University
A. (D) (C) (B) (A)
B. (A) (B) (C) (D)
C. (B) (A) (D) (C)
D. (A) (D) (C) (B)
Answer: A
18. Which one is the most important being faced by institutional repositories for archiving the documents?
A. Availability
B. Rarity
C. Copyright issues
D. Author’s resistance
Answer: C
19. Who provides the ISSN?
A. Niscair
B. Nissat
C. Insdoc
Answer: A
20. In UDC the inter-relationship between the two subjects is denoted by?
A. Ampersand followed by roman small
B. Colon
C. Double colon
D. Hyphen
Answer: B
21. Which among the following is free audio book site?
A. Ebrary
B. Virtuna
C. Librivox
D. Google books
Answer: C
22. ISBN contains:
A. 6 digits
B. 8 digits
C. 10 digits
D. 13 digits
Answer: D
23. “Shodhganga” is a national level repository of:
A. Books
B. E-journals
C. E-thesis
D. Journal articles
Answer: C
24. ChemSpider a chemical structure database published by?
A. American Chemical Society
B. Royal Society of Chemistry
C. National Library of Medicine
D. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (TUPAC)
Answer: B
25. A good library building is an outcome of librarian and
A. Registrar
B. Building corporation
C. Finance officer
D. Architect
Answer: D
26. KBART (“Knowledge Bases and Related Tools”) is a Practice recommended by?
Answer: C
27. Now a day’s what is important vital resource for societal development of a country?
A. Books
B. Knowledge
C. Information
D. Data
Answer: C
28. is the of converting data from an analog image into digital format.
A. Classification
B. Cataloguing
C. Digitalisation
D. Abstracting
Answer: C
29. EPUB is specifically used for which type of documents?
A. Electronic journal
B. Electronic book
C. Audio visual material
D. None of the above
Answer: B
30. Which one of this is not an example of Library Service Platform?
A. Koha
B. Folio
C. Ex Libris Alma
D. OCLC WorldShare Management Services
Answer: A
31. Which of the following is the ISO standard for library RFID system?
A. ISO 28650
B. ISO 28560
C. ISO 15396
D. ISO 15836
Answer: B
32. ChatGPT is an initiative of a:
A. Google
B. Microsoft
C. Non-Profit body
D. Amazon
Answer: C
33. Which one of the following scholarly search engines is known for covering large amount information relating to Patent literature?
B. Scite
C. Semantic Scholar
D. Scinapse
Answer: A
34. Search string is the combination of terms, keywods or descriptors, which represent the information. Identify the aspects of search strings or queries
A. Syntactic value
B. Semantic Value
C. Boolean Operators
D. All of the Above
Answer: D
35. IPR stands for:
A. Indian Press Registration
B. Intellectual Property Right
C. International Property Right
D. Indian property regulations
Answer: B
36. Which Relational Database Management System does Koha use?
A. Microsoft SQL
C. Postgre SQL
D. Oracle
Answer: B
37. Which is the significant technology difference between and RFID tag and barcode?
A. Barcode is smaller and lighter than RFID
B. RFID tag can accommodate more metadata than barcode tag
C. Barcode is cheaper than RFID
D. RFID quickly reads compared to barcode
Answer: B
38. What is the name of an agreement between a software manufacturer and user of that software, which is bought by them for a fee?
A. Memorandum of understanding
B. Memorandum of settlement
C. Deeds of agreement
D. Software license
Answer: D
39. Abstracting service provides
A. Abstract of articles
B. Whole bibliographic description of articles
C. Whole bibliographic description along with abstracts of article
D. Whole bibliographic sources
Answer: C
40. LibraryH31p is a software to support
A. Chat and instant messaging
B. Creating resources guides
C. Blogs for the Library
D. Off Campus Access to e-resources
Answer: A
41. Orientation of library users is a kind of:
A. Reference service
B. Referral service
C. Current awareness service
D. Selective dissemination of information service
Answer: A
42. Scrutiny of financial transactions is called?
A. Budgetting
B. Programming
C. Accounting
D. Auditing
Answer: D
43. Short title usually found tooled on the spine of the book is
A. Altemative title
B. Fanciful title
C. binder’s title
D. Tell-Tale title
Answer: C
44. Which of the following is an image file format?
A. MP3
B. doc
Answer: C
45. Which one of these is currently not a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Registration Agency?
A. National Information Standards Organization (NISO)
B. Crossref
C. DataCite
D. Publications Office of the Union (OP)
Answer: A
46. Which type of books should be weeded in a library?
A. editions
B. Thesaurus
C. Dictionary
D. Encyclopedia
Answer: A
47. Consider the following statements:
1) Areas of automation in libraries ale house keeping and information handling
2) House – keeping in libraries are CAS and SDI
A. (1) alone is correct
B. (2) alone is correct
C. Both are correct
D. Both are not correct
Answer: A
48. What is the essential aspect of information service?
A. Retrieval of information
B. Storage of information
C. Collection of information
D. Communication of information
Answer: D
49. Before automation of libraries, an important record of helpful for verification, which was used to
show the position of any bcok on the shelves was?
A. Reading List
B. Accession List
C. Shelf List
D. Shelf Gude
Answer: C
50. The marketing concepts in library service include:
A. Analysis, planning, implementation and control
B. Advertising, planning, analysis and control
C. Distribution, control, analysis, implementation
D. Indexing, planning, control and implementation
Answer: B
51. Glossary is a:
A. List of technical words with definitions
B. List of words in a language
C. List of thematically arranged words
D. Alphabetical index to passages of work
Answer: A
52. Which of the following is a tertiary source of information?
A. Journal
B. Bibliography
C. Encyclopedia
D. Bibliography of bibliography
Answer: D
53. Mandatory Price Comparison amongst three sellers can be adopted for GeM purchase orders in the range: –
A. 0-25,000
B. 25,000 —5,00,000
C. 5,00,000 — 30,00,000
D. 30,00,000 & above
Answer: B
54. RFID system consists of:
A. Antenna, transceiver and transponder
B. Microchip, battery and antenna
C. RFID label printer, server and external return
D. Serial clock, microwave, package and antenna
Answer: A
55. The sequence Steps for digitalization is:
A. Scanning-storage-indexing-retrieval
B. Scanning-retrieval-storage-indexing
C. Indexing- scanning- storage- retrieval
D. Scanning-indexing-storage-retrieval
Answer: D
56. RFID is a technology used in library for:
(i) Circulation of documents
(ii) Cataloguing of documents
(iii) Security of documents
(iv) Acquisition of documents
A. (i) and (ii) are correct
B. (ii) and (iv) are correct
C. (i) and (ili) are correct
D. (iii) and (ii) are correct
Answer: C
57. Which of the following is/are data capturing devices?
A. Bar code reader
B. Smart card
D. All of the above
Answer: D
58. Arrange the following laws of library science as given by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan.
1) Save the time of the reader
2) Books are for use
3) Every book its reader
4) Every reader his book
A. (2), (4),(3),(1)
B. (4), (2),(2),(3)
C. (2), (1),(4),(3)
D. (3), (2),(1),(4)
Answer: A
59. Find the odd one out.
B. Omeka
C. AtoM
D. ArchivesSpace
Answer: A
60. How many digit numbers the ORCID iD displays after iD icon?
A. 20 digits
B. 18 digits
C. 16 digits
D. 12 digits
Answer: C
61. Posting the right person at the right place is called
A. Recruitment
B. Coaching
C. Deployment
D. Induction
Answer: A
62. A pre-print is a/an:
A. Article to be published
B. Conference paper to be included in the proceedings
C. Neither (a) nor (b)
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer: D
63. Which of the following is a virtual book store?
A. Google scholar
B. Yahoo India
D. Rediff
Answer: C
64. Invisible colleges are:
A. Networks of people interested in the same subject
B. Help in communication
C. Neither (a) nor (b)
D. Both (a) and (b)
Answer: D
65. TIFF stands for:
A. Tagged image file format
B. Technical image file format
C. Tagged internet file format
D. Technology image file format
Answer: A
66. Arrange in sequence of the process of patron driven acquisition system:
1) identify collection
2) Search interface
3) Purchase on demand
A. (3) (1) (2)
B. (1) (3) (2)
C. (2) (3) (1)
D. (1) (2) (3)
Answer: D
67. Reordering Ranganathan: Shifting User Behaviors, Shifting Priorities: A Report authored by
A. M A Gopinath
B. Michael Gorman
C. Lynn Silipigni Connaway
D. Lorcan Dempsey
Answer: C
68. The MERLOT—an e-textbook collection is an initiative of
A. California State University
B. California State University
C. University of Southern California
D. State University of New York
Answer: B
69. Who developed the Shared Electronic Resource Understanding (SERU) as recommended practice
for electronic resources license agreement?
A. Association of Research Libraries
C. EShodhSindhu Consortium
D. Centre for Research Libraries
Answer: B
70. With the support of which Ministry of Govt. of India the “National Virtual Library of India” (NVLI)
has been created and is being managed?
A. Ministry of Education
B. Ministry of Culture
C. Ministry of Information & Broadcasting
D. Ministry of Science & Technology
Answer: B
71. ‘Union list’ is a record of:
A. Library members living in a Union Territory
B. Periodicals available in a group of libraries
C. Library unions located in a union territory
D. List of union workers in factory
Answer: B
72. Library Hub Discover is a
A. Union Catalogue of Library holdings in Australia
B. Directory of Libraries in the World
C. Union Catalogue of Library holdings in UK
D. Union Catalogue of Library holdings in Ireland
Answer: C
73. How many digits does an ISSN contain?
A. 10
B; 13
C. 8
D. 12
Answer: C
74. Which of the following is not an example of Current Awareness service (CAS)?
B. An indexing Bulletin
C. Current contents
D. A reading list
Answer: D
75. Which format is not used by e book reader?
Answer: A
76. Barcode technology is used for library operations such as
1) stock verification
2) Acquisition
3) Circulation
4) Cataloguing
A. (1) and (2) are correct
B. (2) and (3) are correct
C. (3) and (4) are correct
D. (1) and (3) are correct
Answer: D
77. Which one of these is providing the support services for FOLIO, an opensource library services
A. EBSCO Information Services
B. Index Data
C. By Water Solutions
Answer: A
78. Which one of the organizations is not involved in developing Resource Description and Access (RDA) & its toolkit?
Answer: A
79. OPAC stands for:
A. Online Public Access Centre
B. Offline Public Access Catalogue
C. Offline Public Access Centre
D. Online Public Access Catalogue
Answer: D
80. What is the purpose of the barcode in automated circulation procedure ?
A. Scans multiple copies of books
B. Reveals charging information
C. Scans accession number and used ID
D. Calculate fines
Answer: C
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