User Education MCQs with Answer | Library & Information Science

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User Education Mcqs With Answer
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MCQs with Answer on “User Education: Concept and Need.” 

What is User Education: User education refers to the process or program designed to educate library users about how to effectively use library resources, services, and facilities. 

It includes a variety of instructional activities and programs aimed at helping users become proficient in locating, evaluating, and using information. User education is essential to ensuring that library patrons can make the most efficient and independent use of the library’s offerings.

  1. What is the primary goal of user education?

a) To entertain users

b) To educate users on the use of library resources and services

c) To increase library revenue

d) To replace library staff

Answer: b) To educate users on the use of library resources and services

  1. When was the term “bibliographic instruction” first used?

a) 1820

b) 1971

c) 1990

d) 2000

Answer: b) 1971

  1. Which organization was created to promote bibliographic instruction?





Answer: b) ACRL

  1. What is one of the main components of user education?

a) Library marketing

b) Library orientation

c) Library financing

d) Library decoration

Answer: b) Library orientation

  1. Who defined user education as “all the activities involved in teaching users how to make the best possible use of library resources, services and facilities”?

a) Fleming

b) Mews

c) Reitz

d) Nancy

Answer: c) Reitz

  1. Which proverb is mentioned in the context of user education?

a) “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

b) “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

c) “Knowledge is power.”

d) “Actions speak louder than words.”

**Answer: b) “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

  1. Which institution implemented separate courses in library instruction in the late 1800s?

a) Harvard College

b) Indiana University

c) University of Michigan

d) Columbia University

Answer: c) University of Michigan

  1. What is library instruction concerned with?

a) Financial management of libraries

b) Learning to use specific information resources

c) Decorating the library

d) Marketing library services

Answer: b) Learning to use specific information resources

  1. What does the acronym LOEX stand for?

a) Library Orientation Exchange

b) Library Operation Exchange

c) Library Organization Exchange

d) Library Open Exchange

Answer: a) Library Orientation Exchange

  1. What are the three levels of user education mentioned in the document?

a) Library orientation, library instruction, bibliographic instruction

b) Library marketing, library financing, library decoration

c) Library administration, library instruction, library maintenance

d) Library orientation, library financing, library instruction

Answer: a) Library orientation, library instruction, bibliographic instruction

  1. Which term has emerged to supplant bibliographic instruction as the catchphrase for library instruction?

a) Information management

b) Information literacy

c) Digital literacy

d) Library technology

Answer: b) Information literacy

  1. Who is the author of the quote, “User Education is concerned with the library whole information and communication process”?

a) Mews

b) Nancy

c) Fleming

d) Reitz

Answer: b) Nancy

  1. Which organization’s mission is to advocate library instruction as a means for developing competent library and information access skills?





Answer: d) LIRT

  1. What is the primary aim of bibliographic instruction?

a) To increase library funding

b) To educate users on how to find materials manually or electronically

c) To promote library events

d) To manage library staff

Answer: b) To educate users on how to find materials manually or electronically

  1. Who is the principal investigator and subject coordinator mentioned in the document?

a) Dr. Neerja Verma

b) Dr. Jagdish Arora

c) Dr. Arvind K Sharma

d) Dr. Om Shashi Shekhar Singh

Answer: b) Dr. Jagdish Arora

  1. What is a key objective of user education according to the document?

a) To increase library membership fees

b) To make users independent learners

c) To reduce library working hours

d) To decorate the library

Answer: b) To make users independent learners

  1. Who called for clarification of instructional goals at the American Library Association conference in 1881?

a) Otis Hall Robinson

b) Ray Davis

c) Dr. Jagdish Arora

d) Jacques Tocatline

Answer: a) Otis Hall Robinson

  1. Which tool is mentioned as a part of library instruction?

a) Library catalog

b) Library decoration guide

c) Library financial report

d) Library membership form

Answer: a) Library catalog

  1. Who defined user education as the instruction given to help users make the best use of the library?

a) Fleming

b) Mews

c) Reitz

d) Nancy

Answer: b) Mews

  1. What does OPAC stand for?

a) Online Public Access Catalog

b) Online Private Access Catalog

c) Open Public Access Collection

d) Online Public Access Collection

Answer: a) Online Public Access Catalog

  1. Which term is considered a synonym for user education?

a) Library financing

b) Library decoration

c) Library instruction

d) Library membership

Answer: c) Library instruction

  1. What is one of the aims of user education?

a) To increase the library’s revenue

b) To establish contact between user and staff

c) To reduce library operating costs

d) To limit access to certain resources

Answer: b) To establish contact between user and staff

  1. Which component of user education focuses on using bibliographic tools?

a) Library orientation

b) Library instruction

c) Library financing

d) Bibliographic instruction

Answer: d) Bibliographic instruction

  1. According to the document, what role does information technology play in libraries?

a) Storing, managing, and retrieving information

b) Decorating the library

c) Reducing library staff

d) Increasing library fees

Answer: a) Storing, managing, and retrieving information

  1. What is the mission of the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT)?

a) To advocate for increased library funding

b) To promote library decoration and aesthetics

c) To advocate library instruction for developing competent library and information access skills

d) To limit access to certain library resources

Answer: c) To advocate library instruction for developing competent library and information access skills

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Library Academy

I am a dedicated teacher of library and information science at the Library Academy App. My qualifications include UGC NET/JRF, MLISc, PGDLAN, BLIS, and a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech).

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