The Satish Dhawan Space Centre (ISRO) Indian Space Research Organisation conducted Library Assistant exams 2024 to fill positions of the Library Assistant “A” post. This examination is a golden opportunity for candidates with a background in library and information science to secure a government job in one of the most reputed organizations in India. ISRO Library Assistant A exam consists of objective-type questions covering various topics relevant to the Library & Information Science.
1. Folksonomy is a
A. System in which users apply public tag to micro documents only
B. System in which users apply public tag to online items
C. System in which users do not apply public tag to online items
D. System in which users apply public tag to only print items
Answer: B
2. A subset that is chosen from large population is known as:
A. Parameter
B. Variable
C. Sample
D. Statistic
Answer: C
3. Which of the following service provide free full text quality controlled in all subject areas?
A. JournalTOCs
C. Derwent Innovations
D. Hindawi
Answer: B
4. Ontology is:
A. Documentation Service
B. An Indexing Method
C. Classification of documents
D. Cataloguing of documents
Answer: C
5. Data about data is known as:
A. Microdata
B. Database
C. Metadata
D. Databank
Answer: C
6. Indian Library Review is a blog of:
D. National Library of India
Answer: D
7. Which of the following are the four elements of the FRBR model?
A. Personality, Expression, manifestation, Item
B. Book, Form, Availability, Type
C. Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item
D. Discipline, Entity, Action, Item
Answer: C
8. Raw, unevaluated, unprocessed and unorganised facts is known as:
A. Data
B. Information
C. Knowledge
D. Literature
Answer: A
9. Who coined the “Management Theory Jungle”?
A. Harold Koontz
B. Henri Fayol
C. F. W. Taylor
D.L. A. Hill
Answer: A
10. Which among the following is not the principle of management given by Henry Fayol?
A. Unity of direction
B. Unity of command
C. Decentralisation
D. Stability of tenure personnel
Answer: C
11. Which of the following is not an ISRO Mission?
A. Gaganyaan
B. Mangalyaan
C. Chandrayaan
D. Samudrayaan
Answer: D
12. ‘ISO 26324: 2012’ is a Standard for:
A. RFID in Libraries
C. Dublin Core
D. Inter Library Transaction
Answer: B
13. In Sears List of Subject Headings “YX’ refers to:
A. See reference
B. cross reference
C. Ready reference
D. See also reference
Answer: D
14. Linked Phrase Indexing System (LIPHIS) was developed by?
A. T. C. Craven
B. J. Farradane
C.J.C. R. Yeats
D. P. Ekem
Answer: A
15. Who gave the concept of Tacit Knowledge?
A. Michael Polanyi
B. Peter Ducker
C. Paul Eden
D. Henry Fayol
Answer: A
16. KWIC (Keyword-In Context) method of indexing rests on which of the following presumption(s) ?
A. Subject need not be indicated by key terms in title
B. Author of the book and title of book co-relates by key terms
C. Title of a document fully expresses the subject of the documents
D. All of the above
Answer: C
17. Library Legislation refers to the development of:
A. Academic Libraries
B. Special Libraries
C. Public Libraries
D. All of the above
Answer: C
18. An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is called?
A. Denial of Service attack
B. Virus attack
C. Worm attack
D. Bot-net attack
Answer: A
19. Selection, Evaluation, Validation, Standardization, Summarization and Synthesis of information are the activities for:
A. Information Services
B. Abstracting Services
C. Information Analysis
D. Literature Search
Answer: C
20. What is called that index that is designed to assist users in locating information on www?
A. Web index
B. Citation index
C. Chain index
D. Coordinate index
Answer: A
21. What is the symbol used for indicating the relationships between two subjects in Universal Decimal Classification?
A. + Plus
B. / Stroke
C.: Colon
D. () Brackets
Answer: C
22. What is Bibliometrics?
A. Library Networks
B. Information Management Service
C. Information Management Tool
D. Library Management
Answer: C
23. Which among the following is free Audio Book website?
A. Ebrary
B. Virtua
C. Google Books
D. LibriVox
Answer: D
24. Which is the following belongs to the Semantic Web technologies?
1… 5KOS
4. UTF
A. 1 and 2 are correct
B. 1 and 3 are correct
C. 1, 2 and 3 are correct
D. 2, 3 and 4 are correct
Answer: B
A. An open source software
B. An association of intellectuals
C. A programming language
D. A database of experts and network of Researchers and Scientists at national level
Answer: D
26. Which scale is the simplest form of measurement’?
A. Ratio scale
B. Interval
C. Nominal scale
D. Ordinal scale
Answer: C
27. Trade literature includes:
A. Data sheets
B. Price list
C. Institutional Publications
D. All of these
Answer: D
28. ‘Recall’ and ‘precision’ are the terms used in
A. Indexing
B. Information Retrieval System
C. Library Automation
D. Acquisition
Answer: B
29. National Register of Translators’ is maintained by?
Answer: D
30. What is the full form of OAIS?
A. Open Archival Information System
B. Outward Archival Information System
C. Open Available Identity System
D. Open Archival Information Support
Answer: A
31. Polygot refers to Dictionaries.
A. Bilingual
B. Technical
C. Multilingual
D. Subject
Answer: C
32. Shanin Lot Plot method adopt the following:
A. Variable standard is divided into four sections
B. Uses frequency histogram analysis principle
C. The decision on acceptance or rejection is based on sample average only
D. The decision on acceptance or rejection is based sample average combined With a measure of sample dispersion
Answer: B
33. e-Gyankosh was a national depository implemented by?
Answer: C
34. What is Remaindered Books?
A. Books for Selling
B. On Approval Books
C. Ordered Books
D. Left Unsold Books
Answer: D
35. Which one of the following is not image format?
Answer: B
36. What is the classification scheme used by British National Bibliography (BNB)?
A. Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
B. Colon Classification (CC)
C. Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)
D. Library of Congress classification
Answer: A
37. Feedback Mechanism is a part of which service?
A. Translation Service
C. Reprography
Answer: D
38. OAISTER is an example of Digital Libraries architecture based on
A. Metadata Harvesting
B. Federated Database Systems
C. Fuzzy Logic
D. Boolean Logic
Answer: A
39. Information repackaging is a part of:
A. Process of information consolidation
B. Process of message consolidation
C. Process of reanalysing
D. Process of communication
Answer: A
40. The first law of Library Science demands that
A. Every book has its reader
B. Books kept in the library are used
C. Every reader has right to get his/her book
D. Library need to be expanded
Answer: B
41. When hypothesis is stated negatively, it is called as:
A. Relational hypothesis
B. Casual hypothesis
C. Null hypothesis
D. Situational hypothesis
Answer: C
42. The Electronic version of Dewey Decimal Classification is known as?
A. Electronic Dewey
B. Virtual Dewey
C. Online Dewey
D. Web Dewey
Answer: D
43. TKDL is developed and managed by?
A. National Library and RRRLF
D. AYUSH and National Library
Answer: C
44. Internet Public Library is maintained by?
A. MIT Massachusetts
B. University of Michigan
C. Drexel University
D. University of Arizona
Answer: C
45. Which of the following technique is used in the evaluation of information retrieval system’?
A. Quality assessment techniques
B. Specific subject studies
C. Failure analysis
D. All the above
Answer: D
46. J-Gate is an internet gateway and portal setup by?
B. Informatics India
Answer: B
47. Horizontal communication takes place between:
A. Superior to subordinate
B. Subordinate to superior
C. Employees at peer level
D. Worker and Engineer
Answer: C
48. In the Square brackets [ Jare used for:
A. To enclose information taken from outside
B. To enclose the details of the Printer/Manufacturer
C. To enclose series statements
D. To enclose the statement of accompanying material
Answer: A
49. is the fraction of the documents retrieved that are relevant to the user’s information need.
A. Recall
B. Precision
C. Fall-out
D. Noise
Answer: B
50. Almanac covers the year compendium of which period:
A. of the present Year
B. of the past Year
C. of the past Year along with retrospective
D. of the present Year along with retrospective too
Answer: C
51. Large volumes of high velocity complex and variable data are termed as:
A. Big data
B. Linked Data
C. Semantic Data
D. Ontology based Data
Answer: A
52. Who authored manual of “Library Economy” ?
A. J.D. Brown
B.S D Brown
C. Melvil Dewey
D. S C Bradford
Answer: A
53. Which department of Government of India deals with Public Libraries?
A. Department of Education & Literacy
B. Department of Culture
C. Department of Higher Education
D. Department of Science & Technology
Answer: B
54. Who made the rules for cataloguing for the first time?
A. Dr S. R. Ranganathan
B. Thomas Bodley
C. Anthony Pannizzi
D. C. A. Cutter
Answer: C
55. Physical arrangement of computers in a network is called?
A. Topology
B. Routing
C. Bandwidth
D. Switching
Answer: A
56. ROAR is created by which of the following?
A. DLinks
B. Eprints
C. DSpace
Answer: B
57. Accession List of a Library is type of Service?
C. Reference Service
D. Indexing Service
Answer: A
58. is acommunity — supported preservation archive that safeguards access to e-resources and digital collections.
A. Portico
B. arXiv
D. World Digital Library (WDL)by UNESCO
Answer: A
59. Which one of the following is not an element of communication?
A. Consistency
B. Uniformity
C. Rigidity
D. Adequacy
Answer: C
60. What is POINTER?
A. Consist of directional transactions
B. Systems that supplies patrons
C. Computer assisted reference program
D. Transaction of data
Answer: C
61. The term Bespeaking is used for:
A. Book Statistics
B. Book issue measurement
C. Reservation of Books
D. Inter Library Loan Statistics
Answer: C
62. Journal of Librarianship’ was first published by the in 1969.
A. The Library Association (UK)
B. Australian Library Association
C. American Library Association (ALA)
D. Canada Library Association
Answer: A
63. Which of the following term is used for working assumption of a solution to a research problem?
A. Research
B. Bibliography
C. Hypothesis
D. Thesis
Answer: C
64. Which of the following is not a main service offered in cloud architecture?
A. SaaS
B. laaS
C. Paas
D. TaaS
Answer: D
65. Which reference source is known as a store house of knowledge?
A. Dictionary
B. Encyclopaedia
C. Year book
D. Directory
Answer: B
66. Which of the following is not an objective of institutional repositories?
A. to crcatc global visibility
B. to publish in hard copy
C. to collect content
D. to provide open access
Answer: B
67. The scale measurement has an absolute zero point.
A. Ratio
B. Nominal
C. Ordinal
D. Interval
Answer: A
68. What is ABGILA?
A. Periodical of Library Science
B. Association of Library Science
C. Library
D. Library Committee
Answer: A
69. Who is the publisher of Sears List of Subject Headings 20th Edition?
A. CRC Press
B. H. W. Wilson
C. Oxford University Press
D. Elsevier
Answer: B
70. Who introduced bar charts?
A. Henry Williams
B. Henry Gantt
C. James Gantt
D. Henry Joseph
Answer: B
71. The whole of collecting data is called:
A. Information
B. Instrumentation
C. Representation
D. Documentation
Answer: B
72. Kardex is used in:
A. Circulation counter of the Library
B. Periodical section of the Library
C. Technical processing section of the Library
D. Reference Section of the Library
Answer: B
73. The systematic method of of planning, analysis and design of an information system is called?
A. Indexing
B. Cataloguing
C. Procedure of Information Retrieval System
D. Outsourcing
Answer: C
74. Which of the following is developed for storing. organising and accessing digital content?
A. Workbench
B. Fedora
C. Fluent
Answer: B
75. Anukriti is a:
A. Bibliographic India Website
B. Indexing India Website
C. Translating India Website
D. Abstracting India Website
Answer: C
76. This particular law of Library Science gives emphasis on the delegation of the Government to enact Library legislation in their respective States.
A. First Law
B. Second Law
C. Third Law
D. Fourth Law
Answer: B
77.’Canon of Reticence’ is a canon for
A. Idea Plane
B. Verbal Plane
C. Notational Plane
D. Both Idea and Notational Plane
Answer: B
78. Trend Report is very much useful product for:
A. Storage of Information
B. Information dissemination
C. Copying of Information
D. Analysis and Consolidation of Information
Answer: D
79. Source of information Which is either compiled from or refer to primary source of information is called?
A. Reference source
B. Tertiary source
C. Secondary source
D. Primary Source
Answer: C
80. Which is the International standard developed by IFLA for bibliographical information distribution?
C. Z39.50
D. Dublin core
Answer: B
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