DSSSB Librarian Previous Year Question Paper with Answer PDF

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The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) conducts exams for librarian posts in 2021. DSSSB Librarian Previous year question papers with answers can be a valuable resource for understanding the exam pattern, types of questions, and focus areas for Library and Information Science Aspirants. Download the DSSSB Librarian’s previous year’s question paper with answers from below this article.

DSSSSB Librarian Exam Pattern: Total 200 Questions, 200 Marks, 100 Questions from Library and Information Science, and 100 Questions from Mathematics, Reasoning, English, & General Knowledge.

DSSSB Librarian Previous Year Question Paper with Answer PDF

1. Vroom’s theory is related with? 

A. Classification

B. Cataloguing

C. Communication

D. Motivation

Ans= D

2. …………… Percent of the annual school budget must be available for the library, besides the capital cost of building, equipment, and furniture.

A. Ten to fifteen

B. Fifteen to twenty

C Five to ten

D. Twenty to thirty

Ans= A

3. Public libraries are having a research role especially in the field of? 

A. Audio and video media

B. Information Science

C. Linguistics

D. Social science and humanities

Ans- D

4. Who started the first school in librarianship in the world? 

A. Melvil Dewey

B. C.A. Cutter

C. J.D. Brown

D.E.W. Rider

Ans- A

5. ……….refers to any society where knowledge is the primary production resource instead of capital and labour. 

A. Agricultural Society

B. Information Society

C. Knowledge Society

D. Industrial Society

Ans – C

6. The ideas, theories, hypotheses about the relationship which exists among variables is known as ………….information.

A. Empirical

B. Conceptual

C. Policy

D. Procedural

Ans- B

7. …..plays an important role in supporting the educational and research activities of the society. 

A. Industrial establishments

B. Libraries

C. Financial institutions

D. Professional organizations

Ans- B

8. Who thought first about library legislation in India? 

A. Borden

B. Ranganathan

C. Dickinson

D. Kesavan          Ans- B

9.  The oldest and the largest library association in the world is……? 





Ans- D

10. The communication process begins with a ……? 

A. Source

B. Channel

C. Entropy

D. Sender

Ans- D

11. Who describes librarianship ” as a noble and service-oriented profession which encourages all types of reading and education”? 

A. Mayers

B. RL Mittal

C. Danton

D.P.N. Kaul

Ans- B

12. The method for mapping the universe of subjects in colon classification is………..? (Colon 

A. Notational 


C. Enumerative 

D. Faceted

Ans- D

13. Libraries play a very important role in fostering the………… development of the students? 

A. Physical 

B. Spiritual 

C. Intellectual 

D. Psychological

Ans- C

14. A mathematical theory of information was propounded by…….? 

A. Shannon and Weaver

B. Weaver

C. Shannon

D. Faittorne

Ans- A

15. The state that enacted library legislation in 1965 is …..? 

A. Goa

B. Manipur

C. Karnataka

D. Haryana

Ans- C

16. Academic libraries consist of schools, colleges, &  ……….. Library? 

A. University

B. Research

C. Public

D. Reviewer

Ans- A

17. Shannon-Weaver model of Communications ….? 

A. General Model

B. Semantic Model

C. Technical Model

D. Social Model

18. The concept of Literary Warrant was introduced by…..? 

A. E.W. Hulme

B. JD Brown

C. Melvil Dewey

D. S.R. Ranganathan


19. Colon classification 6th edition is……..? 

A. Enumerative

B. Freely faceted

C. Almost enumerative

D. Rigidly faceted

Ans- B

20. Epidemic theory of literature growth was suggested by….? 

A. W Goffman

B. W. Weaver

C.M.B. Line

D. LJ. Murphy

Ans- A

21. The electronic version of the DDC-20 edition was issued in 1993 on CD-Rom titled………….? 

A. Decimal Classification

B. Dewey for Windows

C. Dewey online

D. Electronic Dewey

Ans- D

22. Database Management system is a collection of………? 

A. Programs

B. Databases


D. Software’s

Ans- A

23. Libsys is a library automation software developed by…?

A. Datapro Consultancy

B. Uptron India

C. Wipro Infotech Limited

D. Libsys Corporation

Ans- D

24. Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) scheme devised by…..? 

A. Melvil Dewey

B. Fremont Rider

C. Paul Otlet and La Fontaine

D. Ranganathan

Ans- C

25. In ISIS indexing techniques 0 (Zero) is used for ………..? 

A. Whole document

B. Whole field

C. A subfield

D. A part of the field

Ans- B

26. ILMS stands for?

A. International Library Management Software

B. Integrated Library Management Software

C. Integrated Library Management Systems

Information Library Maintenance Software

Ans- B

27. A Set of programs for defining, creation maintenance, and manipulation of a database is called as………..? 





Ans- B

28. FDT stands for…..? / एफडीटी का मतलब…..?

A. Field Design Table

B. Format Detection

C. Format Design Table

D. Field Definition Table

Ans- D

29. Library automation means use ……………….of to perform library activities.

A. Machines

B. Computer

C. Semi-automatic machines

D. Automatic machines

Ans- B

30. There are three types of DBMS available for a microcomputer user are such as.? 

A. Storage and retrieval DBMS

B. Network and hierarchical DBMS

C. Word processing

D. Basic software

Ans- B

31. Which was the first machine, to perform arithmetic and logical operations?




D. Analytical Engine

Ans- B

32. …………..notation is used in Universal Decimal Classification.

A. Pure

B. Mixed

C. Faceted

D. Rigid

Ans- B

33. Class numbers 551, 2,951 are some examples of…….? 

A. Faceted notation

B. Mixed notation

C. Group notation

D. Pure notation

Ans- D

34. There are three approaches to a document in the library: 

i) ………approach

ii) title approach

iii) subject approach.

A. Class number

B. Systematic

C. Book number

D. Author

Ans- D

35. Notation is defined as a shorthand sign by……..? 

A. Bliss

B. Richardson

C. Sayers

D. Ranganathan

Ans- B

36. In academic, special, and to a large extent in public libraries, the majority of readers approach documents on the basis of ………………..? 

A. Author approach

B. Subject approach

C. Title approach

D. Language approach

Ans- B

37. In the seventh edition of CC the connecting symbol for phase relation is ………..?

A. Dot

B. Ampersand

C. Comme

D. Zero

Ans- B

38. Fourth Generation Computers are…..? 

A. A Fasted in Speed

B. Large in Size

C. Small in Memory

D. High in Cost

Ans-  A

39. Organisation of knowledge in libraries and the subject approach to books was written by ………? 

A. HE Bliss

B. E.C. Richardson

C. E.W. Hulme

D. W.C.B. Sayers

Ans- A

40. …………….computer is a combination of both analog and digital components. 

A. Hybrid

B. Analog


D. Digital

Ans- A

41. Living With Books used in:

A. Book Selection

B. Cataloguing

C. Over dues

D. Classification

Ans- A

42. Introduction Reference Sources written by…….? /

A. WA Katz

B. S.R. Ranganathan

C.A.J. Walford

D. Krishna Kumar

Ans- A

43. Identify the secondary source from the following?

A. Standards

B. Patents

C. Journals

D. Directories

Ans- D

44. Programme Planning Budgeting System (PPBS) is developed by……? 

A. Defense Department, USA

B. Japan Naval EPIH Base

C. Peter Pryor

D. Mudaliar Committee

Ans- A

45. Responsive Information Services is also known as……?

A. Anticipatory Information Services

B. Ready Range Reference Services

C. Passive Information Services

D. Long Range Reference Services

Ans- C

46. The library statistics usually pertain to library resources, technical services, and ………….? A. Finance

B. Staff

C. Collection

D. user services

Ans- D

47. Users registration records maintained in…….?

A. Acquisition section

B. Technical section

C. Reference section

D. Circulation section

Ans- D

48. Interlibrary loan is one of the functions of ……….?

A. Reference service

B. literature searching

C. document delivery Service

D. Current awareness service

Ans- C

49 Internet filtering is …..? 

A. Blocking internet facility

B. Access to inappropriate material

C. A form of censorship

D. Acceptable user policy

Ans- C

50. Library planning is rightly considered as a……?

A. Standards

B. Team project

C. Good Furniture

D. Clientele

Ans- B

51. The user orientation programmers facilitates…….. use of resources and services.

A. Minimum

B. maximum

C. Effective

D. Optimum

Ans- D

52. Program Evaluation Review technique (PERT) is a ……?

A. Sampling method

B. Data analysis

C. System analysis

D. Report writing

Ans- C

53. Internet was initially developed by the US Department of……..?

A. State

B. Interior

C. Commerce

D. Defense

And- D

54. Who is the Father of Classical Management Theory?

A. Peter Drucker

B. EW. Taylor

C. Dr. S.R. Ranghanathan

D. Henri Fayol

Ans- D

55. Which one of the following protocols is used in file transfer over the internet? 





Ans -D

56. Documents are primary sources in……….? 

A. Descriptive research

B. Applied research

C. Scientific research

D. Historical research

Ans- D

57. Total Quality Management (TQM) is an essential component of…………?

A. Standards of Item

B. ISO Recognition

C. Managerial Level

D. Customer (User) Satisfaction

Ans- D

58. The construction of ‘Modular library building’ is based on……….? 

A. Monumental construction

B. Conventional construction

C. Non-conventional construction

D. A set of model

Ans- A

59. According to the sources of information, information can be grouped as…………..? 

A. News, information, and knowledge

B. Manuscript print and non-print

C. Published, unpublished and non-print

D. Primary secondary and tertiary

Ans – D

60. Annual reports are usually devised into two parts such as………?

A. the staff and services

B. the general and specific

C. The descriptive and statistical

D. the technical and non-technical

Ans- D

61. In AACR-2R, the anonymous works of personal authors are to be enter under…………..? 

A. Subject

B. Collaborator

C. Editor

D. Title

Ans- D

62. According to CCC the best way to make the choice of heading is to depend on the canon of…………? 

A. Prepotency

B. Context

C. Individualization

D. Ascertainability

Ans- D

63. The Term Information Literacy used in 1974 by….? 

A. Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

B. Dr. S. R. Ranghanathan

C. Masuda

D. Paul G. Zurkowski

Ans- D

64. Ranganathan has defined reference service as…….? 

A. Personal assistance

B. Direct personal aid

C. Personal service

D. Personal aid

Ans- C

65. The three types of analytical entries in CCC are author analytical, title analytical, and ……….? 

A. Edition

B. Name

C. subject

D. series

Ans- C

66. Analytical entry is prepared for……….?

A. More than four Auther

B. Alternative Title

C. Parts of a Documents

D. Full Document         Ans- C

67. National Union Catalogue (NUC) is compiled, maintained and printed by……………? 

A. National Library of India

B. State Lenin Library

C. Library of Congress

D. British Library

Ans- C

68. Which of the following areas is NOT a part of the description prescribed by AACR-11? 

A. Edition

B. Publication and distribution

C. Title and statement of responsibility

D. Address and location

Ans- D

69. Rules for Dictionary Catalogue, first time introduced by……? 

A. CA. Cutter

B. Palazzi

C. Ranganathan

D. Sayers

Ans- A

70. Handling of reference questions of fact-finding nature is known as…………? 

A. Reference service

B. Long range reference service

C. Respective service

D. Ready reference service

Ans- D

71. An entry that is made for the subject of a chapter in a book is referred to as…………?

A. Cross Reference Entry

B. Class Index Entry

C. Book index entry

D. Cross Reference Index Entry


72. “Information Literacy Competency Standard for Higher Education” is a draft prepared by?





Ans- D

73. Referral service means……? 

A. Providing reference service in a large library 

B. Directing the reader to the correct source 

C. Directing the read to the reference section 

D. Rendering information services to experts 

Ans- B

74. The microform catalogues are being used extensively since……….? 

A. 1970’s

B. 1990

C. 1980’s

D. 1960’s

Ans- A

75. Which of the following is NOT an example of a current awareness service?

A. An Indexing Bulletin

B. Current contents

C. A reading list


Ans- C

76. ‘Information Skills Model’  Developed by…….? 





Ans- A

77. The First Publisher of Sears List of Subject Headings……..? 

A. R.R. Bowkers

B. Author Press

C. H.W. Wilson

D. Forest Press

Ans- C

78. The first step in long-range reference service is …..? 

A. Determination of the subject enquiry

B. Spotting the places of possible answers to the topic

C. Reference interview

D. Identification of the primary sources that may provide

Ans- C

79. Current awareness service comes under the category of……? 

A. anticipatory service

B. responsive service

C. Cready reference service

D. Long-range reference service

Ans- A

80. ‘Media and Information Literacy is penned by..? 

A. Rachel E Khan


C. Gary Price

D. Marcus leaning

Ans- D

81. ‘UKMARC’ Developed by……..? 





Ans- C

82. The Indian National Bibliography (INB) is published by ……………..? 

A. Library of Congress

B. National Library of India

C. Central Reference Library, Kolkata

D. Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC)

Ans- C

83. ‘Libraries: Gateway to knowledge’: The title of the Report is……? 

A. NEP-2020

B. Mudaliar Committee

C. First Five Year Plan

D. NKC-2005

Ans- D

84. Which Library committee recommended for the Development of Public Libraries in India (1958)?

A. Vavilala Committee

B. Fyzee Committee

C. Subharayan Committee

D. Dr. K. P. Sinha Committee

Ans- D

85. Resource Description and Access (RDA) is used in fields of…………….? 




D. MARC Records

Ans- D

86. Fourth law of library science has a direct implication …………? 

A. Library building

B. Resources sharing

C. Library staff

D. Classification and Cataloguing

Ans- D

87. ‘NT, BT, UF, and USE’ Terminologies used in…….? 





Ans- A

88. The resource sharing strategy of the library may not include …………. ? 

A. Shared use 

B. Restricted Access

C. Joint Acquisition

D. Circulation of Resources 

Ans- B

89. The frequency of Biological Abstracts (BA) is…?

A. Semi-monthly

B. Twice monthly

C. Monthly

D. Quarterly

Ans- B

90. Collection number in call number is to indicate the collection in which that books placed in the library. The collection numbering scheme is formulated and maintained by the….?

A. Maintenance section

B. Reference section

C. Acquisition section

D. Technical section

Ans- D

91. The First Delivery of Books Act in India (After 1947) was in the year …………

A. 1954

B. 1956

C. 1986

D. 2005

Ans- A

92. ………………….bibliography is a systematic list of books published all over the world. 

A. Systematic

B. Descriptive

C. Universal

D. Trade

Ans- C

93. Resource sharing in the library was originally known as………? 

A. Library Cooperation

B. Inter-Library Loan

C Library Networking

D. Material Sharing

Ans- A

94. ‘Europa World of Learning is an example of….? 

A. Yearbook

B. Handbook

C. Directory

D. Encyclopaedia

Ans- A

95. The records of items, relating to the subject bibliographies is maintained by the ………? 

A. Acquisition

B. Reference

C. Technical

D. Maintenance

Ans- B

96. Resource sharing eliminates duplication of money, manpower, and………..? 

A. language

B. Religion

C. Time

D. Material

Ans- D

 97. A text Book on Higher Education in India, the subject heading will be……. ?

A. Education, Higher

B. India Education

C. Education

D. Higher Education

Ans- A

98. INB and BNB are examples of …………..bibliography? 

A. Trade

B. Universal

C. Systematic

D. National

Ans- D

99. The third law of library science allows ……………. to the readers.

A. restricted access

B. open access

C. limited access

D. closed access

Ans- B

100. Three- card system recommended by Dr S. R. Ranganathan is used in…….? 

A. Book Acquisition section

B. Circulation section

C. Periodical section

D. Technical section        

Ans- C

The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) conducts recruitment for the position of DSSSB Librarian in various government schools and departments under the Government of NCT of Delhi. The role of a Librarian typically involves managing library resources, assisting users in finding information, and maintaining the organization and accessibility of the library collection.

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Library Academy

I am a dedicated teacher of library and information science at the Library Academy App. My qualifications include UGC NET/JRF, MLISc, PGDLAN, BLIS, and a Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech).

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